Ergis S.A. Supervisory Board
Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Ergis — Marek Górski 

Graduated from the Foreign Trade Faculty at the Gdańsk University (Uniwersytet Gdański). Having completed professional internships in West Germany and Switzerland, he was employed at the Ministry of Privatisation first as a Vice-Director of the Foreign Relations Department, and then as the Head of the Ministry’s Information Centre. He held the position of chairman at the State Agency of Foreign Investments, responsible for supporting international investments in Poland and for the global promotion of Poland. Member of the management boards of three companies managing investment funds: Polskie Towarzystwo Prywatyzacyjne - Kleinwort Benson, BRE Private Equity and Everest Capital Polska. Since 2001, Mr. Górski has been the President and principal shareholder of Polskie Towarzystwo Prywatyzacyjne Sp. z o.o., a company providing investment consulting services and investing in Polish companies. In the last twenty years he has been a member of supervisory boards of more than ten companies operating in various sectors and industries.
Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board - Ergis - Maciej Olaf Grelowski

Graduated from the Wrocław University of Economics (Akademia Ekonomiczna). In 1975-1989 he worked in the Trade Departments of the Bristol, Europejski and Victoria Hotels. In 1990-1996 – the Director of the Victoria Inter-Continental Hotel in Warszawa. In 1993-2004 he held the post of President of the Management Board of Orbis S.A. He was in charge of the organizational, material and staff restructuring in Orbis S.A., as well as the company’s privatisation. In 2005-2006 the Chairman of the Polish Institute of Directors. He carries on business in strategic consulting. In 1997-2006 he was a member of Supervisory Boards of Orbis Casino, PTE Kredyt Bank, Softbank S.A., Prokom S.A., Opoczno S.A., Bioton S.A. and Polnord S.A.
Secretary of the Supervisory Board - Ergis - Paweł Kaczorowski

Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Warsaw University (Uniwersytet Warszawski). In 1999 – 2003 attorney and partner in P.Szelenbaum – K. Kiełczewski – P. Kaczorowski i Partnerzy. Since 2003 owner of Kaczorowski Law Firm which provides legal services to companies. He specialises in the law of new technologies. He has for many years provided legal advice in connection with key IT implementation projects in the banking, telecommunications and public sectors. He was member of Supervisory Boards of the following companies: Zakłady Mięsne Płock SA, Uzdrowisko Krynica – Żegiestów S.A., Stocznia Remontowa NAUTA S.A..
Member of the Supervisory Board - Ergis - Katarzyna Górska - Bednarska

Graduate of the University of Gdańsk (Uniwersytet Gdański), Poland, and Huddersfield University Business School, United Kingdom. She passed the examination and has been a member of ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors). She was a financial auditor / senior consultant at Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Warszawa and Pricewaterhouse Coopers Deutsche Revision in Düsseldorf, Germany. Katarzyna Górska-Bednarska served as the Deputy Director of Internal Audit Department at DnB Nord, and currently is the Internal Audit Manager at DNB Bank Polska S.A. and a member of the Supervisory Boards of Mera Pnefal and Mera Metal.
Member of the Supervisory Board - Ergis - Zbigniew Okoński

Zbigniew Wojciech Okoński graduated in Economy from the University of Gdańsk and the University of Agriculture in Szczecin. In addition, in 1996, he completed Global Leadership Training Programme at the Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Michigan. He has gained his comprehensive experience as manger in investment holding companies, commercial companies, financial institutions and by engaging in social and political activities.
He has held the position of Director for Coordination of Commerce and Member of the Management Board in Elektrim S.A. Group, as well as President of the Supervisory Board of BRE Bank S.A. and The Polish Investment and Trade Agency.
Since 2007, Zbigniew Wojciech Okoński has been the President of the Management Board of ROBYG S.A., a company specializing in housing projects, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange from November 2010 to May 2018.
In 1998–2007, he served as Vice-President of the Management Board of the Prokom Investments S.A. In this role he built the Group’s real estate unit from scratch. His main achievement was developing the concept of the most modern urban project in Central and Eastern Europe, Miasteczko Wilanów, acquiring partners for this project, and overseeing/managing its execution.
In 1990–1995, he was engaged in politics. He held the position of Minister of National Defence, and Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries before that.
He served as President of the Management Board of Polish Association of Developers from June 2011 to June 2013. Currently, Zbigniew Wojciech Okoński is its Honorary President.
He has held the position of Director for Coordination of Commerce and Member of the Management Board in Elektrim S.A. Group, as well as President of the Supervisory Board of BRE Bank S.A. and The Polish Investment and Trade Agency.
Since 2007, Zbigniew Wojciech Okoński has been the President of the Management Board of ROBYG S.A., a company specializing in housing projects, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange from November 2010 to May 2018.
In 1998–2007, he served as Vice-President of the Management Board of the Prokom Investments S.A. In this role he built the Group’s real estate unit from scratch. His main achievement was developing the concept of the most modern urban project in Central and Eastern Europe, Miasteczko Wilanów, acquiring partners for this project, and overseeing/managing its execution.
In 1990–1995, he was engaged in politics. He held the position of Minister of National Defence, and Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Economic Cooperation with Foreign Countries before that.
He served as President of the Management Board of Polish Association of Developers from June 2011 to June 2013. Currently, Zbigniew Wojciech Okoński is its Honorary President.
Member of the Supervisory Board - Ergis - Maciej Stańczuk

Graduate of the Main School of Planning and Statistics (SPGPiS) in Warszawa, Poland (currently: Warsaw School of Economics), the University of Göttingen, Germany, and the University of Mannheim, Germany. He used to be an assistant lecturer at Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany and an assistant in the International Department of Banque Nationale de Paris, France. In Polski Bank Rozwoju S.A. he served as the director in charge of economic affairs, director in charge of financial risk management and a member of the bank’s Management Board, in charge of risk. In WestLB Bank, he was a member of a global department for financing the power, oil and gas sector, as well as the President of the Management Board of WestLB Bank Polska, transformed later into Polski Bank Przedsiębiorczości. He was acting President of Polimex Mostostal S.A. He defended his doctoral thesis at the University of Braunschweig.